6 signs it's time for a rebrand

To rebrand or not rebrand, that is the question?

Rebranding is by no means a small job and not a decision that can be taken lightly. There are several things to consider before you jump right in. But first, let's set the scene. You started off small, a passion project or a side hustle to test if there was a market for your service or product. Maybe all the money you saved was spent perfecting the killer product and getting it to market or getting yourself trained. Leaving you with little or no budget to invest in crafting a brand to match.

However, fast forward a few years, and your side hustle is now your full-time job, and shit is getting real. Your brand needs to reflect the vision of where you want to go. As you know, it doesn't reflect the quality of the product or service. You expected growth to be slower than it happened, and you feel like you've pushed your brand on the back burner while juggling the daily demands. When promoting your brand or sending prospective clients or retailers to your website, a little shiver runs down your spine, and you feel embarrassed.

Read on to see if any of these points hit the nail on the head. If so, it may be worth considering if this is your call to get that rebrand underway. Fear not. You are in safe hands.

  1. It's a hot mess

Does your website or social media look like a pick and mix of random colours and fonts? Have a few extra brand elements been introduced along the way? No shame here. However, consistency could help your brand in building consumer recognition and trust. Not only will a consistent brand identity help restore this, but think of all the hours you will save from pulling your hair out making social media posts.

2. You don't stand out compared to the competition

Do you feel like you're blending in with your competition? Or does your brand identity look basic or outdated compared to your competitors? Now may be a good time to rethink your brand. A strong brand identity will be unique to you and connect with your audience. This is music to your ears, considering people buy from people, and you want to build a strong tribe of your kind.

3. It doesn't look professional

You know that you're amazing at what you do. You know that what you offer is high quality and value. Yet your DIY brand identity doesn't show that and feels misaligned in a world where it takes consumers seconds to make a first impression. You want to be making sure it's the right one.

4. Your brand is outdated

You're not the first, and you're amongst fellow offenders here. Maybe you needed more money to invest in hiring a designer when you started and decided to follow a trend, but now you feel like it looks outdated. Realistically, no one wants to keep rebranding every few years. This may be the sign you're looking for to create a timeless brand you feel proud to share.

5. It no longer matches the vision you have for your brand

Who you were when you first started may be poles apart from who you are now. The same goes for your business. Naturally, things evolve. Now you have big visions for where to take it but feel your brand identity is holding you back.

6. You're not proud to show off your brand

Do you feel embarrassed when you share your website/social media? Do you fear you don't get taken seriously? You deserve a brand identity that you want to show off to EVERYONE and one that gives you confidence in what you do.

You're not alone if you find yourself nodding to several of these points. I've been there myself (more than once...all hail the repeat offenders). However, if you feel like it's time to take it to the next level in your business and your brand.

Drop me an inquiry or book a free connection call, and we can chat to see if this is the right step for you.

In the meantime, head over to our work section to check out some transformations we've created for other brands.


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