Packaging Design Magic: How to turn casual browsing into 'MUST HAVE IT NOW'

Hands up, who's ever been magnetized by a product's packaging? You know, the kind of packaging design magic that grabs your attention instantly and turns a 'just looking' session into an 'I NEED IT NOW'. Turns out you are not alone.

72% of American consumers agree that packaging can influence their purchasing decisions.
(Paper and Packaging Board and IPSOS in 2018)

70% of purchase decisions are made at the shelf, meaning packaging aesthetics might be why consumers choose your product over another.

Studies show that a whole bunch of us get swept off our feet by gorgeous product packaging. It's the trick of brand packaging – not just catching your eye but making you fall in love at first sight. If you're pouring your heart and soul into a product, let's not do a disservice by packaging it up in something below average. This is where packaging design magic can be your best friend. It's not just about wrapping up your product; it's about giving it a personality that shouts from the shelves. Here are my top 3 tricks to crafting the dreamiest of packaging.

Telling your story through design

Your brand story is at your brand's heart, which leads the design process. How can the packaging design support your essence? What story is the product telling, and how can the packaging support this narrative? Through the hidden messages of design, your packaging design can be and do so much more with a bit of care and consideration. Colour, fonts, shapes, paper texture, the shape of the bow, the way it opens, etc, are all the tiny little details that go into bringing your story to life.

Talk to your customers through design.

We are visual and emotional creatures; one of the key reasons we buy a product is how we feel. Therefore, we can build a package that sparks something in our customers, whether it be the first thing they see or the first thing they touch. It's your hello, your first impression. Make it count. Make it spark joy and trust. That's how you turn a one-time buyer into a fan for life.

Be the trendsetter, not the follower.

With online shopping taking the world by storm, standing out is more challenging and critical than ever. You don't want to be just another face in the crowd; you deserve to be more than that. Don't just be another follower in the market, be the trendsetter. 

Learning from the best

Let's peek at some brands killing it with their packaging design.

Ghia, a non-alcoholic aperitif, has taken the beverage market by storm. Not only catering to the ever-growing 'sober curious' culture but also appealing to the mass market of customers who love their packaging to look as good as it tastes. Heavily influenced by the Italian design and looking like an absolute dream, it pays off, with a reported valuation of $35 million.


The magic of packaging design - Recess CBD drink example

CBD-infused beverage brand Recess, which promises to make you feel a 'cool, calm and collected' aesthetic, is everything you will love and more. Its clean, minimalist, but vibrant packaging is a head-turner with a jaw-dropping revenue of $3.5M and instantly puts you in a good mood.


Challenger brand Olipop, which is on a mission to make soda' healthy again', is another brand that has flipped the market with its beautiful, fun aesthetic and killer marketing strategy. Harnessing the power of influencer marketing and TikTok, Olipop's 2023 revenue came in at a breathtaking $200M.


Packaging design magic isn't just about the looks; it's about creating a connection, telling a story, and being unforgettable. Investing in kickass packaging is like giving your product its magnetic charm. What are you waiting for? Get in touch to chat about how we can transform your packaging design.


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